Necromancer's Gift


update #20


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update #11


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update #9


Update #8


Update #7


update #6


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update #4


Update #3


Update #2


Update #1




battle UI


update #11

Posted on April 30th, 2021


Kickstarter Update

The Kickstarter Campaign succesfully ended on April 8th, reaching 523% of its goal. 15 days later, I received the payment from Kickstarter on my business account. Here’s the breakdown, for those that are interested:

CA$ 26,134.29   Total raised

−CA$ 1,086.00   Dropped Pledges

−CA$ 1,252.41   Kickstarter Fee

−CA$   899.48   Payment processing fee

CA$ 22,896.40
CA$     59.97   Late Pledges through website

CA$ 22,956.37   Total Raised

Keep in mind that if you missed the Kickstarter, you don’t have to worry. You can still be a late-backer. There is a sweet alpha-tier available on the site’s store. Check it now!

Art Update

The second batch of creatures has almost been entirely revealed. As a recap, here they are again:

If you are wondering about those circles, the blue ones encircle the creatures that are yet to be named, and the red ones surround the creatures that will need to be redesigned a bit.

As a sneak peak into the future, you can see here some of the concept art for the third and perhaps last batch of creatures:

Finally, I wanted to congratulate the winners of the fanart contest. To the left, you’ll find my pick, and to the right the community pick. I cannot believe people made so many entries and you should definitely look at the rest. Now. They are all winners in my heart because they all look so great!

Community Update

As a result of the Kickstarter, and some marketing efforts on my side, the discord for the game now has over 590 members, and on twitter, the game has over 800 followers.

I think I won’t write a full post on how taxing the Kickstarter campaign was, but I think it suffices to say that it took me a couple of days to go back to full-development mode. On that note, I have posted office hours for my availability on discord. Unless I change them, they are as follows:

Monday and Friday, 12PM-2PM EST

On top of that, it is likely that you’ll find me on discord around 12PM-2PM EST every other day, but you have no guarantees. If you have a question that can wait a day, or two, you could always send an e-mail to instead.

Necrobot concept art

In terms of necrobot updates, besides minor quality of life changes, and a way to verify Kickstarter backers, you aren’t missing much:

  • There is a new #bot-events channel to make sure daily trivia is easier to find.
  • On April 1st we held a sort of throw-a-pie competition. You can see a couple of those commands here:

PS: Very recently, I joined the Apple developer program to be able to release the game on iOS. That won’t happen for a while, but it’s nice setting things up now and not waiting last minute for these things.

Name redacted for obvious reasons

Game Update

In less exciting news, I decided to make backups on a different provider for the database. As you may know, the server infrastructure for the game is hosted on Google Cloud, and I thought having backups on Amazon’s AWS S3 made sense just in case something goes very wrong with my current setup. Having backups is always a good idea in my mind.

Finally, I got to finish up the implementation of teaching and overriding movesets for the creatures in your team. There is even a menu now to do it relatively quickly. Keep in mind that the UI is not final at all - especially those buttons. You can see a preview here:

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